The Quality of Care for Covid Patients in the Emergency Area at Carlos del Pozo Melgar Hospital
Covid-19;, Attention quality;, Patients;, Emergencies;, Carlos del Pozo Melgar HospitalAbstract
Background: the pandemic produced by Covid-19 has been a cause of alarm and concern throughout the world, leading to the collapse of health services in many countries.
Objective: to analyze the quality of care for Covid-19 patients in the emergency area at the Carlos del Pozo Melgar Hospital, in the period between the months of October and December 2020.
Methods: a quantitative, cross- sectional study was carried out. The variables studied were degree of satisfaction perceived by the patients regarding the health personnel. The patient sample consisted of 104 patients. The population and sample of health personnel coincided and was constituted by 4 nurses and 4 doctors who work in the Emergency Department. Theoretical methods of analysis - synthesis, and deductive; measurement was used as an empirical method. The technique used was a survey of patients and another of health workers.
Results: the main results showed high percentages of user satisfaction and good scientific knowledge on the part of doctors and nurses to treat the pathology.
Conclusions: it is concluded that there is satisfaction on the part of the users and that there is highly positive collective knowledge to be able to indicate to each patient the corresponding treatment. In both variables, the results obtained were overwhelming, something essential in a pathology such as Covid-19, where time is crucial to avoid complications.
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