Fears of a Teacher in a Time Scale


  • Julio de la C. Grave de Peralta Ramos Preuniversitario “Melton Almaguer”, Jesús Menéndez, Las Tunas, Cuba.


fear, emotions, professor, teacher


Fears are nothing more than emotions, but their intensities can paralyze us, limit us, and inhibit us. The objective of this reflection article is to bring you the message that we all suffer from these emotions, but the will has to be imposed to advance towards higher stages of personal and social development and to achieve this I have used the fears that I have felt in my personal life and working for 48 years.


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Tagore, R. (s.f.). Citas y aforismos. https://quote-citation.com/es/citas/43316



How to Cite

Grave de Peralta Ramos, J. de la C. . (2022). Fears of a Teacher in a Time Scale. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 7(3), 340–344. Retrieved from https://revistas.pucese.edu.ec/hallazgos21/article/view/599