Workplace Violence against Nursing Professionals at Emergency Services


  • María J. Gómez Mendoza Centro de Salud Tipo C San Rafael, Esmeraldas, Ecuador.


Violence, Nursing, Vulnerability, Emergencies


Introduction: Workplace violence against nursing professionals constitutes a public health problem, which is defined as any action, incident, or conduct which attacks, threatens, humiliates, and injures a person.

Objective: To analyze violence at work towards nursing professionals in emergency services.

Method: The integrative search was carried out in the MEDLINE, CINAHL, SciELO databases, but only six works that were allied to the inclusion criteria were evaluated, adding the appropriate use of the logical operators "And" and "Or".

Results: The articles affirm that the nursing staff is the one that suffers the most from occupational violence, especially psychological, followed by physical. The hospital environment where there is a higher frequency of violent acts is the emergency services.

Conclusion: violence at work towards nursing professionals in the emergency service is evidenced in forms of workplace harassment, physical and psychological aggression, behaviors that are promoted by the patient or a family member.


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How to Cite

Gómez Mendoza, M. J. . (2022). Workplace Violence against Nursing Professionals at Emergency Services . Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 7(3), 345–352. Retrieved from



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