Ancestral Food Knowledge of High School Students from Tanicuchi Parish, Latacunga


  • Anita A. Chancusi Herrera Unidad Educativa “Marco Aurelio Subía- Batalla de Panupali”, parroquia Tanicuchi, Latacunga, Ecuador.


production;, crop;, ancestral knowledge;, feeding.


The present study aims to describe elements of ancestral knowledge related to the students´ food culture in the Educational Unit "Marco Aurelio Subía- Batalla de Panupali", Tanicuchi parish, Latacunga. In this sense, the aspects inherent to the way of feeding and the knowledge about the cultivation made by the seventh-grade students of such an educational unit were investigated. The research was structured within the mixed research paradigm, with a descriptive design, in which two data collection techniques were applied: direct observation and the survey of the students at the aforementioned school. In the end, important results were obtained that allowed generating significant conclusions about the consumption and production of food by them: the relationships between ancestral and traditional practices were identified. The students are unaware of ancestral food knowledge, an aspect that in turn is linked to ancestral knowledge. It is concluded, therefore, that it is important that, from the educational context, emphasis be placed on such aspects and that students be motivated to participate in activities that promote cultivation and healthy eating.


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How to Cite

Chancusi Herrera, A. A. (2023). Ancestral Food Knowledge of High School Students from Tanicuchi Parish, Latacunga. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 8(1), 1–12. Retrieved from



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