Teacher Collectivism as a Tool of Educational Management in the Teaching-Learning Process at Fausto Molina Fiscal Educational School
Teacher collectivism, knowledge management, management tools, multmidisciplinary collaborationAbstract
The present investigative work is based on the analysis of knowledge management and its incidence in the teaching-learning process in the "Fausto Molina" Fiscal Educational Unit. The objective was to diagnose teacher collectivism as a tool for educational and knowledge management. For the research, a validated instrument was used where 6 items of the knowledge management questionnaire for educational innovation in universities were applied. The variables studied were supported for fellow teachers to carry out educational management initiatives with autonomy, internal knowledge of teachers as a strategic organizational component, organization of multidisciplinary collaboration among teachers, and coordination of activities for the creation of knowledge. collective, the implementation of virtual communities for the exchange and creation of collective knowledge and the access provided by managers to incentive systems. It is concluded that teacher collectivism is an important educational management tool that presents strengths and weaknesses of the educational unit under study.
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