Teacher Relations at "Luis Vargas Torres" Educational Institution as a Professional Learning Community


  • Igna I Cisneros Martínez Unidad Educativa “Luis Vargas Torres”, Esmeraldas


professional learning community, school, leadership, communication, working environment, relationships


From the school-centered perspective, a professional learning community is seen as a center committed to the development, with a culture of collective and creative learning, with distributed leadership and collaborative work. With the objective of identifying the current state of teacher relations in the Luis Vargas Torres Educational Unit as a professional learning community, a quantitative study with a descriptive scope was carried out. The variables studied were institutional communication, work environment, managerial leadership, and interpersonal relationships. The sample was made up of 46 teachers, 5 members of the Student Counseling Department and 5 authorities with managerial positions. As a technique, the survey was used. The results showed that 85.7% of teachers do not work together to seek the knowledge, skills and strategies to apply new learning in their work and 71.4% believe that there is no collaborative process to develop a shared sense of values among staff; Most of the indicators in the interpersonal relationships of teachers, related to the "student learning" dimension, also showed a predominance towards the negative. There were divided responses regarding the work environment and collectivism among teachers. It is concluded that there is collectivism in some areas of the study, such as joint work to improve teaching and learning, but at the same time, there are different perceptions in the way in which that addresses the diversity of student needs.


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How to Cite

Cisneros Martínez, I. I. (2023). Teacher Relations at "Luis Vargas Torres" Educational Institution as a Professional Learning Community. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 8(2), 177–190. Retrieved from https://revistas.pucese.edu.ec/hallazgos21/article/view/623



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