Training Model to Convert Luis Vargas Torres Educational Institution into a Professional Learning Community


  • Igna I. Cisneros Martínez Unidad Educativa “Luis Vargas Torres”, Esmeraldas



Training mode, Luis Vargas Torres educational institution, professional learning community, leadership


A learning community can be defined as the result of an educational center's social and cultural transformation and its environment through integrated, participatory and permanent education, based on dialogical learning. That is why, with the objective of proposing a training model to convert the Luis Vargas Torres Educational Unit into a Professional Learning Community, a qualitative, cross-sectional, and descriptive study was carried out, but which had as a fundamental basis a quantitative diagnostic study previously carried out on interpersonal relationships and the work environment. The sample consisted of 23 teachers from the school, who were interviewed about institutional leadership. The results show that rectoral proactivity sometimes manifests itself, that there is no true democratic process in the school, that advice to staff for decision-making is negative. However, communication systems allow communication to flow and teacher work in teams is facilitated, so there are opportunities to initiate change. It concludes by proposing a training model that focuses on holding workshops on the problem areas detected.


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How to Cite

Cisneros Martínez, I. I. (2023). Training Model to Convert Luis Vargas Torres Educational Institution into a Professional Learning Community. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 8(2), 209–222.



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