The ancient Ceremony of Yemayá: The Myth of a Goddess Turned into Legend


  • Manuela C. Almeida Martínez Las Palmas, Esmeraldas, Ecuador


Yemayá, divinity, ritual, cultural heritage


Esmeraldas is a land full of ancestral African traces, marked by a history of slavery and the struggle for freedom. A large diaspora of black men and women who adopted alien and strange lands, being forced to forget their names, their religion, their language and much more. Among the rituals that are not well-known, and little understood by locals and strangers, is the ritual to Yemayá, an Afro divinity that is syncretized with the Virgin of Regla of the Catholic saints. With the aim of educating the Afro population of our green province, I write this essay as a story, because our black people cannot forget their roots, because their cultural heritage refuses to die and be discarded in the most distant past.


Braceras, S. (2020). Agua, mujer y mitología: diosas y sirenas. El Ágora – diario del agua.

Navarro, J. (2018). Definición de Yemayá.

Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO). (2007). Agua y visiones del mundo: El agua y la mitología.

Romero, E. (2015). Agua pa Yemayá. AQUAE Fundación.



How to Cite

Almeida Martínez, M. C. (2023). The ancient Ceremony of Yemayá: The Myth of a Goddess Turned into Legend. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 8(3), 330–338. Retrieved from