The Pedagogy of Yachay in Ancestral Knowledge and the Indigenous Peasant Worldview in Western Scientism


  • Sandra E. Ayala- Trujillo Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Ibarra
  • Otto I. Ayala- Becerra Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Ibarra
  • Otto I. Ayala- Trujillo Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ecuador
  • Hugo R. Gavilanes- Erazo Universidad Estatal de Bolívar, Ecuador
  • Alba G. Cevallos- Pineda Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ecuador


Pedagogy, Yachay, Andean worldview, Ancestral knowledge, Teacher-leader, Polylogists


The multiple dialogues that arise in the Andean Cosmovision are learning. The actors are designers of the itinerary to travel without evading obstacles rather than subduing them to achieve the good life. Pedagogical management in situ is decisive in experiential systematization and decision-making.  The presence of a new man committed to his peers, not in the camouflaged becoming of divinities, but rather leading and supporting an experience of co-responsibility. Otherness is the sum of balance and social justice. Live in harmony: man-man, man-divinity, man-nature. Yachay, a professor respected by the community, guides, orients, leads the concrete acts that are developed in Andean philosophy, insistently seeking collective well-being, overcoming the tensions of visions with isolated archetypes that bring with them doubt and desires for appeasement.

The Yachay pedagogy emerges as an experiential postulate of collective leadership good for cushioning and absorbing the emptiness of generations mutilated by the technological whims of the Western world and its unidirectional scientism. This camouflage of Yachay may be consistent with what has been debated since ancient times, the leader is born or made. The Andean yachay teachers, sometimes the center of social and productive action in shared leadership, as a productive of pedagogical practice in the Andean worldview, the desire for social construction, appropriation of knowledge, and sharing arises in the classroom due to the teacher's work.


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How to Cite

Ayala- Trujillo, S. E., Ayala- Becerra, O. I. ., Ayala- Trujillo, O. I. ., Gavilanes- Erazo, H. R. ., & Cevallos- Pineda, A. G. . (2024). The Pedagogy of Yachay in Ancestral Knowledge and the Indigenous Peasant Worldview in Western Scientism. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 9(1), 78–88. Retrieved from