Benthic Macroinvertebrates as Bioindicators of Water Quality of a High Andean Ecuadorian Fluvial System
adaptability; bio-indicators; water quality; benthic macroinvertebrates; physical parameters.Abstract
The objective of the present investigation was to determine the quality of the water by means of benthic macroinvertebrates and physical parameters in the microbasin of the Nagsiche River, located west of Salcedo canton, province of Cotopaxi - Ecuador. The samples were collected in 5 monitoring points in duplicate during the months of May-June 2016, in a transect of 10 - 30 m. The study registered 396 individuals, distributed in 8 orders and 15 families; no significant differences were found (p = 0.23) between monitoring points; but there was a 91% correlation between them. The families that stood out were: Baetidae with 67.17%, Chironomidae with 7.83%, followed by Ceratopogonidae with 7.32% and Simuliidae with 7.07%; the remaining others are below 3% representativeness. Water quality through the ABI biological index is regular in the points Pamba Verde (VP) and Puente California (PC), good in the Yana Urcu (YU) point and bad in the points Hacienda la Playa (HP) and Panzaleo ( PANZ). Of the physical variables analyzed, the conductivity and total dissolved solids show perturbation effects, so that water does not enter for human consumption. The variability in the results makes it clear that the anthropic activity in our study area is becoming a threat to the stability of the high Andean mountainous ecosystems.
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