Process to Implement a New Document Management System at PUCESE


  • Sara Real Castelao Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Esmeraldas.
  • Holga E. Bateoja Arroyo Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Esmeraldas.


documentation; knowledge management; archive management; DIRKS methodology.


The current knowledge society requires organizations to revalue intangible assets and manage their knowledge and intellectual capital in an efficient manner to be competitive in their knowledge and intellectual capital in an efficient manner to be competitive in their sector. This claim has greater importance in an institution dedicated to the generation, management and transmission of knowledge as it is a University. The Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Esmeraldas Campus (PUCESE) currently has a specific file management in each department and each academic unit, this management has no institutional policy to make it homogeneous and to clarify its procedures. This paper describes how to apply the eight stages of methodology DIRKS (Designing and Implementing Recordkeeping Systems) referred to in the Standard ISO 15489 at PUCESE, to implement a new management system of file that currently to solve the existing problems. Finally, indicates a relationship of the improvements that are expected with the implementation of a new document management at this University.


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How to Cite

Real Castelao, S., & Bateoja Arroyo, H. E. (2018). Process to Implement a New Document Management System at PUCESE. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 3. Retrieved from



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