The Precarious Reader is Strengthened in the Classroom


  • Magdalena Cid García Pontificia universidad católica de Ecuador, sede Esmeraldas


teaching beliefs; reading; expository texts.


Reading in class is a standard practice in most classrooms. The objectives that teachers give reading, the type of text and the activities that take place around the reading act change. What teaching beliefs shape the reading practice? Can you understand the teachers´ performance by discovering their beliefs? The research presented is ethnographic in focus. As a method, the case study was used, where the beliefs of a teacher of language and literature are investigated when changing from a certain curricular approach to another. The study was carried out in Chile, with a teacher who works in a municipal (public) educational center. The results confirm that teaching performance can be understood through understanding the beliefs that guide pedagogical practice. There is coherence between what the teacher says to do and what she does when she develops reading practices with expository texts in the classroom. However, it is not guided by the current curriculum, but by its beliefs regarding the sociocultural origin of the students.


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How to Cite

Cid García, M. (2020). The Precarious Reader is Strengthened in the Classroom. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 5(1), 71–84. Retrieved from



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