Student Satisfaction: A Challenge in Comprehensive University Education


  • Mercy J. Falcones Benalcázar Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Esmeraldas, Ecuador.
  • Mirna P. Sosa Bone Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Esmeraldas, Ecuador.


student satisfaction, educational services, private university, nursing studies


The satisfaction of university students is a dynamic challenge that requires using learning tools within the classroom and integrating complementary services. It was proposed to analyze the needs of the students to institute the best conditions for comprehensive training. The study was quantitative, cross-sectional, and descriptive. As a data collection instrument, the survey with dichotomous and open questions was used for 330 students from first to seventh level (88% women, 10% men, and 2% LGTB) of the Nursing career of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador Esmeraldas campus, in the year 2020. The results found show that 45% consider that the enrollment process is not easy. Regarding the conditions of the learning spaces, such as laboratories, 61.8% are very satisfied and satisfied; in the use of the library, 44% feel satisfied. With respect to the methodology used by teachers, 64.1% were very satisfied and satisfied and 32% are likely to continue their studies in the next period. It is concluded that the level of satisfaction of the students in relation to the services of the cafeteria, recreational spaces - sports and library, is low, unlike the methodology used by the teachers and the learning spaces in the laboratories that received high valuation in terms of satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Falcones Benalcázar, M. J. ., & Sosa Bone, M. P. . (2022). Student Satisfaction: A Challenge in Comprehensive University Education. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 7(3), 273–283. Retrieved from



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