Investigative Culture of Postgraduate Studies in Health Sciences


  • Zahira F. Silano Higuera Universidad Ciencias de la Salud, Valle de la Pascua, Venezuela.
  • Nohelia Y. Alfonzo Villegas Universidad Nacional Experimental de la Seguridad Maracay, Venezuela.


Health Sciences;, Investigative culture;, postgraduate.


Introduction: the investigative culture is assumed as the set of attitudes, procedures and productions aimed at obtaining knowledge to promote educational, scientific, technological, and humanistic progress, which is especially relevant in health sciences whose priority is well-being. biopsychosocial to generate relevant knowledge. Objective: Disseminate the results of a field investigation on investigative culture in postgraduate studies in health sciences. Methods: This is a mixed study, which includes a quantitative phase, through the application of a questionnaire of 55 items of closed questions, with a dichotomous option (YES or NO), to a random sample of 25 postgraduate students and a second phase. qualitative in which a semi-structured virtual interview of ten (10) questions was carried out with 7 students from the different postgraduate courses offered in health sciences. Results: The weakest indicators are: the visibility of students (8%), perception of the institution (11%), promotion of research (30%) and perception of research lines (28%), averages that according to the scale ad hoc are deficient, and therefore, hinder the proper development of a research culture in postgraduate students in health sciences. Findings: The investigative activities that are carried out as degree works, projects, conferences, clinical cases and presentations are often affected by the excessive care burden. Conclusions: The investigative culture in postgraduate studies in health sciences must be strengthened, for which it is necessary to consider recognizing the weaknesses present in educational actors, academic, research and hospital institutional settings to optimize them.


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How to Cite

Silano Higuera, Z. F. ., & Alfonzo Villegas, N. Y. . (2023). Investigative Culture of Postgraduate Studies in Health Sciences. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 8(1), 30–42. Retrieved from



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