Techniques and Strategies for Reading Comprehension: a Didactic Proposal


  • Sonia R. Cevallos Bone Unidad Educativa San José Benito Cottolengo, Esmeraldas



Methodological proposa, reading comprehension, methodological process, techniques; didactic strategies.


During the last decades, both theoretical specialists and teachers have set out to find, from a critical, cognitive, or constructivist perspective, new teaching strategies based on a better understanding of the processes involved in reading comprehension, to incorporate them into the theoretical framework of reading. teaching. It was guided by this search that a study was carried out to identify the level of reading comprehension possessed by the students of the third year of Basic General Education of the San José Benito Cottolengo Educational Unit. The low results of this research gave the guidelines for the objective of the study presented here: to design a didactic proposal with techniques and strategies to promote reading comprehension in said students. A qualitative study was carried out, with a descriptive-explanatory approach, in which the techniques of the semi-structured interview were applied to the teachers of the year and the documentary study, with searches in the databases and virtual libraries of Scopus, SciELO, and Google Scholar, and using the keywords reading comprehension, inferential reading, critical reading, metacognitive strategies and teaching strategies. The results showed that there are shortcomings and weaknesses that are limiting a more accelerated progress of the students, among which are the reduced types of cognitive, metacognitive and resource management strategies that are used in the teaching of reading classes when based only on the organization of sentences in small paragraphs, self-assess your reading comprehension, questions about reading topics, sentence transformation of a text and reading speed monitoring. It is concluded that this didactic-methodological process used by teachers limits the progress of reading comprehension to the desired level, so it is imperative to execute the didactic proposal resulting from the present investigation.


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How to Cite

Cevallos Bone, S. R. (2023). Techniques and Strategies for Reading Comprehension: a Didactic Proposal. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 8(2), 191–208.



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