¿Qué Sentido Tiene una Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador en Esmeraldas?


  • Diego A. Jiménez Bósquez Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador- Esmeraldas


Esmeraldas, ; Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, church, academic community


The reflections that are presented here on the existence of a Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador in the province of Esmeraldas have arisen from the point of view that I addressed as Pro-Rector in the act of possession of the position as an authority of this campus. It is essential to understand the importance of advocating for an Ecuadorian university in Esmeraldas, where the imprint remains that our academic community can have itself and its reality as the subject and object of its scientific and reflective exercise, opening the way for an embodied, historical and committed epistemology. However, at our university, we are not only called to know how to do things but to do things with meaning and within the framework of a world that requires a way of doing things that are committed to the life and care of our Common Home.


Salazar Méndez, Y. (9 septiembre 2022). Las razones por las que Esmeraldas se desangra. Primicias. https://www.primicias.ec/noticias/firmas/esmeraldas-violencia-pobreza-ecuador/

Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos - INEC (2021). Encuesta Nacional de Empleo, Desempleo y Subempleo 2021. https://www.ecuadorencifras.gob.ec/documentos/web-inec/EMPLEO/2021/Marzo-2021/202103_Mercado_Laboral.pdf



How to Cite

Jiménez Bósquez, D. A. (2023). ¿Qué Sentido Tiene una Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador en Esmeraldas?. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 8(2), 233–239. Retrieved from https://revistas.pucese.edu.ec/hallazgos21/article/view/627