Implementation of Restorative Practices to Improve Interpersonal Relationships among Students


  • Jessica N. Tumbaco Quinatoa Unidad Educativa Salesiana María Auxiliadora
  • Darío J. Carpio Marmolejo Dirección Distrital 17D11 Mejía Rumiñahui-Mies
  • María J. Reyes Reyes Esmeraldas, Ecuador
  • Viviana M. Márquez Arboleda Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador- Esmeraldas



Restorative practices, relationships, students, public schools


According to the ideas of Esquivel (2020), restorative practices are useful in creating unity within the team, strengthening ties and forming a community. In addition, they monitor group dynamics through circle activities and address minor and serious conflicts. The objective of this research was to evaluate how these practices affect the school environment and the students' emotional well-being, and to identify improvements in educational coexistence in two public schools of Basic General Education in the province of Esmeraldas. To carry out this research, a qualitative approach, of an exploratory nature, was adopted through the collection of experiences and perceptions of the participants after the implementation of a total of 16 restorative circles. These circles were divided into eight sessions, aimed at creating community and another eight with a preventive focus. Additionally, the voices and perspectives of all people involved were collected, which enriched our understanding of the phenomenon studied. The results show a positive impact on interpersonal relationships and conflict resolution in the school environment and at the same time assertive communication and empathy among students are put into practice. In conclusion, this process allowed us to promote meditation on negative attitudes and their impact on interpersonal relationships in the school environment.


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How to Cite

Tumbaco Quinatoa, J. N., Carpio Marmolejo, D. J., Reyes Reyes, M. J., & Márquez Arboleda, V. M. (2023). Implementation of Restorative Practices to Improve Interpersonal Relationships among Students. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 8(3), 284–293.



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