History of Inclusive Education in Ecuador: Bibliographic Review


  • María J. Gómez -Mendoza Centro de Salud Tipo C San Rafael, Esmeraldas, Ecuador.
  • Aldo J. Arroyo- Gutiérrez Centro de Salud Tipo C San Rafael, Esmeraldas, Ecuador


Inclusive education, specific educational needs, teacher training


Education in Ecuador has a final objective: to guarantee quality education for all children, regardless of their characteristics or needs. For this reason, educational institutions have been carrying out actions aligned with education postulates in the 21st century, without discriminating against anyone based on their social, or cultural condition, ideology, sex, ethnicity, or any physical, intellectual, sensory disability or intellectual giftedness. This review seeks to reaffirm that educational inclusion implies that centers critically analyze what can be done to improve learning and participation for all. The literature review allows us to conclude that it is necessary to continue working to eliminate barriers to education, strengthen teacher training, ensure the availability of resources, and promote a culture of inclusion in society.


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How to Cite

Gómez -Mendoza , M. J., & Arroyo- Gutiérrez, A. J. (2024). History of Inclusive Education in Ecuador: Bibliographic Review. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 9(2), 224–234. Retrieved from https://revistas.pucese.edu.ec/hallazgos21/article/view/665



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