Analysis of University Dropout in the Department of Economic, Administrative and Trade Sciences of the University of the Armed Forces
university dropout; University of the Armed Forces; Department of Economic, Administrative and Trade Sciences.Abstract
In order to analyze the university dropout in the Department of Economic, Administrative and Trade Sciences of the University of the Armed Forces, a quantitative study was carried out, with a descriptive scope, applying a survey to a representative sample of 109 dropping students of all the careers offered by the mentioned department. The instrument applied included key variables, such as marital status, economic difficulties, personal problems, schedules, teaching methodologies, work, relationships with peers and teachers, career motivations, administrative problems and residence changes. They all helped to analyze the university dropout. As a statistical method, the multiple correspondence analysis was used. The results confirm the impact that the set of factors, individual, socioeconomic and institutional has on the decision of university dropout. According to the correspondence analysis, the most frequent causes of desertion are the change of vocation, with the change of career or university, or the interest in other activities. It is concluded that socioeconomic, institutional and individual factors significantly influence university dropouts. This component explains almost half of the total variance alone. Economic difficulties and personal problems are the other most frequent factors.
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