The Ethics of the Primary Education Authorities in Las Tunas


  • José O. Mateo Pérez Universidad de Las Tunas, Cuba.
  • Rosa M. Fernández Chelala Universidad de Las Tunas, Cuba.
  • Ernesto Nápoles Deulofeu Universidad de Las Tunas, Cuba.


Ethics of the authorities; professional ethics; moral; Primary Education; Las Tunas.


The manifestations of indiscipline and violation of the norms of social coexistence of some authorities denote insufficiencies in their ethical-moral education. In this reflection, a study of this problem is done, taking as a reference the authorities of Primary Education of the province of Las Tunas, Cuba. The essay begins with the exposition of some basic concepts on citizenship, ethics and moral training, and then we delve into the analysis, from positions that start from the Dialectic Materialism and cover the psychological, pedagogical and didactic points of view of how the process of training the authorities that govern Primary Education in the province should be. It is emphasized, based on theoretical foundations, that ethical training in the training process of Primary Education authorities is an integrating axis that covers the legal, ethical, pedagogical, economic, life and civic areas. The importance of the personal example and dedication to assigned tasks with students, teachers, family and the community are valued. It is concluded that the ethics of the authorities of Primary Education constitutes an objective of their preparation and improvement that are based on the dialectical materialist conception of knowledge, on the Historical- Cultural Theory and on the principles of Socialist Pedagogy, which are the bases of its historical, political and ideological character.


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How to Cite

Mateo Pérez, J. O. ., Fernández Chelala, R. M. ., & Nápoles Deulofeu, E. (2020). The Ethics of the Primary Education Authorities in Las Tunas. Revista Científica Hallazgos21, 5(1), 102–110. Retrieved from