An Action Research Proposal Hand in Hand with Different Narratives
Didactic; project; action research; co-teaching; narratives.Abstract
Through this contextualized text, we try to make even more visible an experience of university teaching from action research. What fundamentally prompted us to carry out this proposal is that with it we make a call to transformation, to the mutation of teaching practices. This enables us to recognize practice as a source of knowledge and build practical knowledge. In addition, it allows us to investigate and question being and doing as research teachers, but it also allows us to innovate and problematize everything related to practices to improve them. In this way, theory and practice dialogue and become praxis and research, meanwhile practical inquiry, is carried out collaboratively. It is precisely for this reason that we teach and in doing so we spread co-teaching.
Barthes, R. (1977). Análisis estructural. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Centro Editor de América Latina.
Kemmis, S. & Mc Taggart, R. (1988). Cómo planificar la investigación-acción. Barcelona: Laertes.
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